Are you being spiritually attacked in your dreams at nights? Have you had a near accident recently? Was there some form of disappointment that occurred in your life recently? Were you recently diagnosed with a sickness? Have you been having an attack on your marriage, ministry, job, family, business and finance?  Have you been meeting setbacks after setbacks, as you venture out in executing your plans?

As you go through these dilemmas, you have to understand that these are the plots that Satan has been plotting against you. However, these plots have been manifested to reveal the weapons of the enemy. You have to understand the season that you are in (Ecclesiastes 3).

There’s a spiritual warfare going on in your life, as you face a period of transition. This is when the attacks are more frequent. You have to muster every strength and go in warfare mode (Ephesians 6).

Spiritual Warfare

It’s not time to play a pity party or throw in the towel. It’s time to fight! You’re being transition for a purpose. God is getting ready to settle you, after you have suffered a little while. He will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you (1 Peter 5:10).

When you’re in warfare mode, you are sensitive to any and all demonic presence. Furthermore, you understand that attacks can surface from all angles, because the enemy realizes that you’re in a period of transition. He feels you will cave in under the pressure, in order to rob you of your glory (John 10:10).

In mustering every ounce of physical and spiritual strength in your body, you should continue to press into your purpose. The glory that you will gain, will be greater than your pain.

For spiritual deliverance and prayers for specific warfare attacks, please contact our ministry.

God bless you.